New Year Legal Check Up for Agencies
It’s a good idea to annually review your agency’s contracts, policies, and documents. Discover what areas you may need to update from a legal perspective.
Find out if your agency’s MSA and SOW measure up with a Matchstick contract analysis and Report Card.
It’s a good idea to annually review your agency’s contracts, policies, and documents. Discover what areas you may need to update from a legal perspective.
The same fee structure won’t work for every engagement. Learn more about various billing models to determine if you’re capturing as much value as possible.
Getting your digital agency paid is a lot easier when your MSA or SOW spells out the payment triggers. Consider these tips when drafting your next contact.
Your SOW is a key part of your contract. In many cases, it’s the first thing your client reads (and maybe the only thing). More than just explaining projec...
Many creative professionals have contracts that are legally sufficient but are written with language that is at odds with their brand and way of doing business. These bloated contracts cost time, money, and client trust.
Next time you think you might have problems your contract, consider also whether you might have a breakdown in your contract process
This post is about putting yourself in the best position to have a meaningful conversation about the real cost of a client insisting on its form of agreement.
Retainers can be great for the studio or agency but they are prone to disputes. Longer terms lead to forgotten discussions, evolving needs, and unmet expectations.
You have probably seen an AS IS clause in many of your creative services agreements, typically in boldor ALL CAPS. What are they for and how should you approach them?
Nice post from Mark Anderson over at IP Draughts (UK): To make the terms [of standard contracts] suitable for a variety of factual situations, and to minim...
Whether you are a designer, developer, or other type of creative professional, keep this post handy next time you get stuck haggling over a limitation of liability clause.
Context matters. Good advice in one situation can be plainly unhelpful in another. This also applies to getting legal review of your services agreement. Here’s how to get more out your lawyer.